![]() Seal depicts Anunnaki with Two Headshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Anunnaki#/media/File: Ea_(Babilonian)_-_EnKi_(Sumerian).jpg |
Dated to 2300 BCE, this is a detail of an Akkadian Adda cylinder seal from the British Museumhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Anunnaki#/media/File:Ea_ (Babilonian)_-_EnKi_(Sumerian).jpg depicting some of the Anunnaki with two heads. The alien Nummo were also depicted with two heads by the Dogon people.
In the Dogon religion, one head or side of the Nummo was male, and the other head and side was female. We find this hermaphroditic duality in various ancient cultures and it is referred to in my third book, Day of the Fish.
The Anunnaki were a group of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian deities. Ea, who was the Akkadian god of subterranean waters and wisdom, was known to the Sumerians as Enki.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Anunnaki#/media/File: Ea_(Babilonian)_-_EnKi_(Sumerian).jpg He is depicted here with streams of water and fish flowing from his shoulders, which were both Nummo and Nummo Ancestor symbols.
According to Robert Temple, Oannes was the Babylonian equivalent of the god Enki, who he associated with the Nummo and who resided at the bottom of the Abzu, or Abyss, in fresh water.Robert Temple, The Sirius Mystery p. 164 Oannes, said to be part fish and part man, brought civilization to the people of Babylonia.Robert Temple, The Sirius Mystery p. 186 The Nummo Ancestors, who were part human and part Nummo, were fish tailed beings, who provided advanced knowledge to the Dogon people.
I believe that Ea's second head on this seal depicts a Gorgon-like figure. The Gorgons played an important role in the myths associated with the Nummo.Dorey, The Master (Mistress) of Speech pp. 55-60 On the Gorgon-like side, the figure is wearing a top, which suggests a female figure since the goddess Inanna (Sumerian Ishtar), who appears here with wings, wears a similar top. This would indicate that one side of the god Ea is female and one side is male.
The god to the right of Ea is identified as Usimu (also Isimud), who appears with two male heads. We find the two headed male god in sculptures of the Roman god Janus as well as in artifacts from the Lambayeque culture of Peru.Dorey, Day of the Fish p 119 and p. 135 My research indicates that the female was replaced by a male to accomodate later patriarchal cultures. The gods have multiple hornshttps://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Anunnaki#/media/File:
Ea_(Babilonian)_-_EnKi_(Sumerian).jpg, which further associates them with the Nummo and Nummo Ancestors, who also had horns.Dorey, The Master (Mistress) of Speech pp.13-14
The Anunnaki myths have similarities with the Dogon religion but it is obvious that changes were taking place from a matriarchal to a patriarchal religion when the Anunnaki myths were recorded, which accounts for the differences. We know from the Dogon religion that although the Nummo were hermaphrodites, they were associated with the divine feminine. They were symbolized by the sun and were responsible for creating life in the Universe and on Earth.
The Babylonian city-god Marduk is an example of how the patriarchal cultures reversed the earlier myths when suddenly instead of the Sea-serpent Tiamat (a Nummo figure) being the creatrix of herbs, lands, rivers, beasts, birds and humans, it is the male god Marduk who creates them.Dorey, The Rose: Dogon Star Knowledge p. 196
In the Dogon religion, the Nummo, Lébé and the Mistress of Speech were symbolized by the sun, a female symbol, because the Dogon believed that all life was created from suns. They specifically knew about red giant stars, which they considered pregnant suns, which is why they were associated with the divine feminine.Dorey, The Rose: Dogon Star Knowledge p. 8
Red giant stars are suns that expand at the end of their lives. Large red suns will explode as supernovas to regenerate the universe. Modern astronomers have just taken pictures of these stars in the last few years but the Dogon knew in the 1930s that red giant stars created life in the universe.Dorey, The Rose: Dogon Star Knowledge pp. 8-11
Marduk's wife Sarpanit was known as "the shining one", and she was sometimes associated with the planet Venus. By the Hammurabi period, 18th century BCE, Marduk had become astrologically associated with the planet Jupiter.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marduk This is a reversal of the Dogon religion where the male Jackal was identified with the planet Venus and the Master (Mistress) of Speech with the planet Jupiter. This once again indicates a reversal from the original religion.Dorey, The Rose: Dogon Star Knowledge p. 52 and p. 252
I believe that this cylinder seal is depicting the regeneration of Lébé, as it was known to the Dogon people. It shows the Ea/Lébé figure with one foot on the platform getting ready to head into the ground to be regenerated.
Even though we see evidence of a patriarchal reversal on the two headed figures, the goddess Ishtar is still depicted as the key figure on the seal. She is winged and seems to appear here with one leg, a characteristic of the Nummo, who because they only had a fish tail were perceived as having only one leg. All of the other gods have two legs.
Ishtar is described as being warlike with supposed weapons rising from her shoulders.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Anunnaki#/media/File:
Ea_(Babilonian)_-_EnKi_(Sumerian).jpg I believe that rather than weapons the lines are rays associating her with the sun. Her supposed war like characteristics once again indicate a male/female reversal from the original myth, where the male Jackal was associated with war. Dorey, The Nummo p. 68
Ishtar holds something in her hand that is pouring the water of life onto the Ea/Lébé person in the ground. In the Dogon religion the regeneration took place underground in Lébé's grave, which I believe is what is being depicted on this stone.
The lion is a symbol of Lébé, which is shown to the left beside the god holding the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow were regenerative symbols in the Dogon religion. The Ea/Lébé figure is also shown with an eagle, another regenerative symbol, which I associate with the Master (Mistress) of Speech.Dorey, The Nummo p. 69 The fish is a symbol of the alien Nummo. The tree to the left is the Tree of Life. The goat figure on the other side was a symbol of the Jackal in the Dogon religion, a figure who was also regenerated. Dorey, The Master (Mistress) of Speech, Chapter 12 pp. 86-99
The Ea/Lébé figure in the ground has a knife in his hand, which is likely a circumcision knife, since circumcision was a regeneration ritual in the Dogon religion.
According to the British Museum version, the figure with the knife represents the sun-god, Shamash (Sumerian Utu) "with rays rising from his shoulders. He is cutting his way through the mountains in order to rise at dawn."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Anunnaki#/media/File: Ea_(Babilonian)_-_EnKi_(Sumerian).jpg
All of the symbols on this stone suggest regeneration. This is a common theme of all ancient world cultures and my research indicates that it originated with the Nummo and Nummo Ancestors and their ability to preform genetic engineering and to regenerate life.
The stories about some of the Anunnaki are very similar to stories about the Nummo and the Eight Nummo Ancestors. Although they are similar, my research indicates that the Dogon religion is the older of the two religions. Myths about the Anunnaki are patriarchal based and we know from the research of Marija Gimbutas, Joseph Campbell and others that the earliest religions were matriarchal.
In the Dogon religion, the single sexed male, known as the Jackal, symbolized the failed experiment, humans and the Earth, and was the evil element.
A Sumerian myth about Enki devouring eight plants grown by Ninhursaga, Mother Earth, is an important story that ties it to the Dogon religion and tells me that the Sumerian myth is a later version of the same story told by the Dogon elder Ogotemmê. The Dogon religion tells us what the eight plants represented and what the story was really about. It is an important story because it deals with the second experiment in the Dogon religion and the Eight Ancestors. It is the story that tells us how we lost our immortality. (For more information about this myth refer to The Master (Mistress) of Speech.)
The people believing in the Anunnaki lived in a written culture, whereas the Dogon lived in an oral culture until the 1930s when the French took over their homeland. My research reveals that the Dogon religion was on par with the Goddess religion of Old Europe. It is the oldest religion in the world and predates these other beliefs by thousands and thousands of years.
For more information on the Dogon religion refer to my books, The Master (Mistress) of Speech, The Nummo, Day of the Fish and The Rose.